Sunday, 7 June 2015

Five ways to keep stress from sabotaging your good habits.

Whenever I get stressed, I get overwhelmed and something blows out.

I start eating more white foods. (Sugar and carbs)

My dishes pile up.

I grab caffeinated drinks instead of water.

All the new 'good' habits get replaced by old 'destructive' habits.

Why does this happen?

How can we take note of our stress indicators and avoid the landslide that follows?

Here are five ways you can get on top of bad habits that are triggered by stress.

1. Clear a space

My biggest stress indicator is when my 'dumping zones' get out of control. Places like the kitchen bench, the kitchen table or my dresser start to pile up with dishes, school notes, receipts and clothes.

Spending 10 minutes clearing off an area helps me to calm down and relax and start to feel in control again.

When the kitchen bench is clear, I seem to breathe easier.

2. Iron it out

Another effect of stress is paralysis. We can only see the mountain of things that we need to do, so we hide with a box of chocolates and do nothing.

I was feeling like this the other day but decided to do one task that needed to get done, the ironing.

As I started to press the wrinkles out of my husband's shirts, making them look crisp and clean, I began to feel better.

Something inside of me released, and I felt ... good.

Find one methodical task that needs doing it and do it.

Make the bed, clean the bathroom, sweep, etc.

Creative time spent painting, drawing and colouring can also be very therapeutic.  

Find what works for you.

Doing something is constructive, but sitting down and worrying with a bag of potato chips is not.

3. Do a meal plan 

I'm no good at just pulling meal ideas out of my 'hat'.

However, if I have a meal plan set up in advance and I have everything I need, it's easier for me to stick to cooking healthier meals.

I also look for things to snack on when I am stressed, so I fill up the fridge with fruit and veg so it's easy to grab. (Don't even buy that crappy food! It always gets eaten first.)

4. Forgive yourself

If you've fallen off the wagon in a big way, e.g. eaten the whole packet of cookies in one sitting...

Let it go.

It doesn't mean that you are going to do it again tomorrow!

My hubby and I have a saying when we know we've eaten too much, "We'll never speak of it again!"

If we hang on to the guilt, self loathing takes over and we just kind of give up.

If you have your coffee and cake or a packet of Tim Tams, enjoy and then go to the store and buy as many veggies as you can and gorge on them for the next day or so. It will be ok.

5. Zoom out a bit

There are 6 billion people on the planet.

Look at your life and then zoom out a bit. See your community.

Zoom out further and think about what is happening in your state, your country and then the world.

Where does your personal stress fit into these pictures?

Nothing stays the same. Good and bad times come and go.

Years ago, I heard some good advice. It went along the lines of , 'Will this matter in a week? Will this matter in a month? Will this matter in a year? Will this matter in 5 years?'

We get so wrapped up in our tiny little lives. There is a bigger picture. There is a point. The point is to see the bigger picture.

Please share your thoughts on what helps you to overcome stress.

Like and share this with your community!

See you soon,

Heather xoxo

Image from


  1. So true. Stress can derail our best intentions. I realise these are all strategies I use from time to time.
    Meal planning is one I use a lot to keep things from getting pressured with small hungry children at dinner time.
    Exercise is another thing that helps me deal with stress. 20min walking, fresh air, body moving, space to mentally declutter. Good for the body and the mind.

    1. Hey Deb, I'm actually glad you said that. After I published this, I thought of walking too. But then I figured the list can go on and on. I think its about doing something to stop the panic button and clear the mind. Thanks for your comment! Hugs! xoxo
