Friday 16 May 2014

This is just a test, a very important test...

Really, everything is a test, but in this case, this is a test of my feeder, subscriber thingy, to that we can get the ball rolling, eh.

So, feel free to subscribe, as by the time you read this, it will be sorted. The test will be over and the lesson learned. (We hope!)

The First Thing...

So what is the first thing you do when you get a new blog!?

.... yep, dink around with the settings. I've spent all day adding and removing buttons, figuring out what gadgets and widgets do. I even made my own FAVICON. (that little picture in your browser tab) I didn't even know what a Favicon was before today.

I know that maybe no one cares about Favicon, but it kind of energizes me to set out to do something and see it come to fruition. It's easy to just put 'starting a blog' into the too hard basket, but I was determined.

Now, I know, no one is reading... yet. But I suppose you have to start somewhere and say something. Its all about doing a lot of first things... and where you end up, won't be where you started.

So, if you do browse through the archives, and read this silly little post, (actually written to test my subscription feed- another first) then smile and think about how this was one of my very first posts and that I was brave enough to begin in the first place.

Why I love my husband...

My hubby is one of those 'special' people. Right from the start, there was just something about him... a quiet presence that sang to my soul.

He reckons he felt the same way about me, right from the start. Real life, "love at first sight!"

We've had our ups and downs, but all I know is that when his arm is around me, I have a place to call home.