Sunday, 19 July 2015

Chasing the Sun

It's cold right now. And I hate being cold. 

I'm a heat seeker, a comfort lover... so when I can't get warm, I get cranky!

Cold feet, cold nose... no thank you.

So, during this cold snap I've found myself chasing the sun.

It reminded me a bit about other things that I try to chase that are out of my control... like happiness. 

Have you ever noticed that sometimes a really great day is followed by a really crappy one? You find yourself thinking, "Why couldn't that moment last?" 

Imagine that we lived in a time where we didn't know that the sun sets and rises in a predicable pattern... We would go to bed wondering whether we would ever see the light again.

We'd chase the sun all day and then feel hopeless as it faded away, thinking the darkness was here to stay... and then rejoice in morning as we saw it poking up on the horizon, only to start the cycle again. We would wait, wonder and worry that the sun would soon sink again for good. 

But we do understand that the sun has a cycle. It's comforting and we can plan and predict our lives around this. 

But sometimes we can't see that life has a cycle... sadness follows happiness and then happiness comes along again. 

When life hurts, we forget that the sun will surely rise, we can't step back and see the predictabity of it all, but it's there. Study anyone's life, it is there. 

So, as I chase a bit of warmth this week, I'll try to relax... embrace the cold, and know that seasons are always changing, and the forecast is looking good. 

See you soon, 

Heather xoxo